

NWT ships with a simple and easy to use animation mechanism. Modern browsers receive CSS transitions.

Demo 1: Standard Animation


	// Get the element
	var el = n.one('.myel')

	// Do the animation
	el.anim({'marginLeft':'600px', color:'#FF0000'}, 0.5)
		.wait(1) // After the first step, wait for one second
		.anim({'marginLeft':'0px', color:'#000'}, 0.5) // Reset the animation  after 1 second

Demo 2: Reversing an applied animation

A common use case is to reverse an applied animation on click.


	// Get the element
	var el = n.one('.myel')

	// Do the animation
	el.on('click', function(e) {
		// PopAnim will either run the last animation in reverse and return true, or return false
		this.popAnim() || this.anim({'marginLeft':'600px', color:'#FF0000'}, 0.5)

Demo 3: Events

Anim Events

Event Description
anim:start This event fires immediately when the anim instance method is called.
anim:done This event is fired when the any animation is complete on the node.
anim:pop This event is fired at the end of an animation reversal using popAnim.
animppush This event fires whenever we push an animation onto the stack.

Event Log

Click the animation link above to see events being fired.

Demo 4: Chaining

Click me! Animate 2 Animate 3